Pulp & Paper:
Maintain equipment integrity, optimize production efficiency, and prevent downtime.
Industrial Fabrication & Manufacturing:
Maintain quality control and prevent product failures.
Bridge Inspections:
Ensure public safety and prevent catastrophic failures.
Building Inspections:
Maintain structural integrity and ensure safety.
Cranes & Equipment:
Ensure safe operation and prevent accidents.
Mining Facilities:
Worker safety and equipment integrity are essential. Inspections ensure safe operation and prevent equipment breakdowns.
Oil & Gas (Pipelines to Refineries):
Safety and environmental protection are key. Inspections ensure pipeline integrity and prevent leaks or explosions.
Power Plants:
Reliability and safety are crucial. Inspections should focus on maintaining plant efficiency and preventing outages.
Nuclear Facilities:
Safety is paramount. Focus on inspections that ensure the integrity of critical components and prevent catastrophic failures.